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And the alien did decree: Mr. Police Man disapproves of mid-night McDonald's.
12:03 AM - Sunday, Apr. 17, 2011

Before the nonsense, & After the bullshit.

Something Good Coming - Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers

Today started
Somewhat similar.

By "today", I mean the today of 10 minutes ago.

So; I hit Jay's, upon waking up. He let me stay, an hour-anna-half past closing, to read a comic book he's selling to Ken. I was also reading a book about 'the tyranny of work'; this, of course, so explains the antics my low-paid compadres keep telling me about. I'm almost surprised that I myself never pulled stunts -- stealing, destroying -- in either of my unsatisfying jobs. But, it totally explains what I hear from others.

The comic was Transmetropolitan, another fine little tidbit from Warren Ellis. (The guy who did Preacher, and Back to Brooklyn -- both of which I adored, and one of which I snagged before Ken did.) I liked the overall story of the first book, and am sincerely hoping that Ken changes his mind, so that I can nab them -- especially now that I'm down to the latest Walking Dead. Jay offered to order them for me, should Ken actually want them. NO, KEN; I WANTS THEM. D'RAWWWWW. But then, after nabbing the Walking Deads before he did, he might wanna take up his dib.

I keep wondering if we'll end up feuding over nabbing books from each other. Either that, or I suggest a slumberparty, so that we can catch up on the other's collection.

After Jay's, I headed home, and made the previous entry. Sarah called, hence postponing this one. We hit the grocery store; she stocked up on stuff for rice balls, and I hit the Thai collection. We nipped in to the hotel liquor store, on the way home -- she got a bottle of sake. For $12, and, being such a big bottle -- quite a deal. Of course, I didn't like the stuff.

The rice balls were awesome. My favorite, surprisingly, being the salmon-centered ones; oysters my least. The water chestnut ones were a-okay, but not overly memorable. I ate 4; Sarah struggled through 2.

We watched Audition (Jap, 1999). It was actually pretty good, despite all the cracks about the lead man looking like a "more Asian-looking" Bill Hicks. (Many a time, Sarah said: "You have those weird, slanty eyes yourself. I could believe you have Asian in you.")

[Now that I've drawn Bill Hicks, myself, I have a feeling that I could make a little painting of comedians congregating, for the wall.]

The only kind of off-thing of the day was running in to my caretaker, on the way home. We always have really weird talks, when he's drank some. It's less the content, than the awkwardness. Usually, we're pretty buddy-buddy, in daylight hours.

This time, he invited me to check out his soundsystem. It being midnight, I passed on the offer. I imagine I'd ask in the daylight, pre-beer.

For the moment, I'm waiting for Cherish to wake up; she went to sleep late. If I'm lucky, she'll get up around 1 AM. I was hoping to give her her 2 rice balls, tonight. I even nipped a sample of the sake, for her to try.

If I don't catch her tonight, I will for-sure be having her over tonight/tomorrow night, for Pad Thai, and those rice balls.

Before the nonsense, & After the bullshit.


You Missed:

* INTRO, 2


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