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And the alien did decree: "I love you, too, Jay.. lawl..."
6:55 PM - Saturday, Apr. 16, 2011

Before the nonsense, & After the bullshit.

Good Enough - Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers

Yesterday, was awesome;
Today was a nice, soft followup.

Yesterday, Susan called me up; I'd just finished a Lost episode. I had literally just written, in the paper journal, "It's 4; what do I do today?"

She invites me to a swanky pub in the area. I'm thrilled -- I pretty much dance, all the way there. I was sort of expecting Sarah to be there; Susan is there, with her friend, Ward.

We all hit it off, over crocheting, insanity, and good drinks. The menu ends up being less scary in-price than I'd expected. Though the garlic ribs are few, they are surprisingly good, and filling; I also get a minty liqueur coffee -- Susan pays for the whole lot.

Ward and Susan both used to live in Vancouver, but met in the old telemarketer Goliath in town. Ward tells me later that Susan was within the group of the very-last let go, when the company got outsourced. (China, India, USA? I forget who took the deal.)

When Susan has to go home, to relieve the babysitter, Ward comes up to my place, for more tea. We end up getting in to more talk; he reveals that he's gay, too (but should the crocheting have tipped me off?). He invites me to his place -- also in the area -- to watch a movie.

Ward lives about 4 blocks from me. He also knows/studied Jay. Also has a similar medical diagnosis. The only thing we didn't really somewhat have in common/crossinterested was our ages: he's 37, I'm going to be 23, this year.

We ended up talking, for hours. He's a lot like me, in first contact: hours of breathless, animated talk. His home ended up being just-as/more-so filled with character as/than my place. Turns out that the guy is a tea connoisseur; he has stashes, all through his kitchen. I came home with a bag of samples.

We ran through books; his roommate (also a single gay male; "We don't have sex," Ward tells me. He describes them as being almost marital in mutual housekeeping, though;) and he share crossover interests in material: gender studies, trivia, history; the roommate has a dozen or so math/physics textbooks. Ward tells me that since he's moved (been 5 years here), he doesn't have his full collection on him. I ended up borrowing a collection of essays on masculinity. I'm plotting to come back for the royal anecdotes book, next time.

He fed me some charming Earl Grey; very hearty, "robust", he kept saying. Some soup -- very nice, hamburger-and-veggies stuff. May need to kidnap the recipe.

He introduced me to his crochet projects; his steel wool's handle gave me the idea to come home, and turn my ragged plastic scrubby in to a squid. Washing dishes never looked so fun.

We finally watched about 1/2 of the movie that lured me over: Spun; Mickey Rourke/Brittney Murphy ("Slutty Hussy", "Titty Murphy".) I like it, so far -- recommended it to Karri. He started to get sleepy, so I headed home.

I hit Cherish's building, on the way home. Picked her up -- lured her with tea. She had another go at scraping my pipe. I did some tarot on her -- a pretty good one -- with my two books to back me. She did natal charts on Nolan and Karri.

Susan is trying to get a skookum printer to me, so, I'll be printing astrology wheels on EVERYONE in my files. ("Hey, Karri -- did I ever tell you that I've been keeping files on you guys?" Karri: "No.. nice to know." Me: "When I'm dead, you'll have this funky log of observations and history." Her: "Neat...")

So; that was yesterday. Sarah and I are hitting the store, so I'll be back later to rant about today.

Before the nonsense, & After the bullshit.


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* INTRO, 2


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