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And the alien did decree: "My thumb is # 1..."
6:37 PM - Wednesday, Jan. 12, 2011

Before the nonsense, & After the bullshit.

You're Only Second Rate - Jonathan Freeman (Return of Jafar, 1992)

Well now.
Today was fun.

Looks like the fun, like the Internet People, is petering out. Well. That was quick, hey?

Today was nice; woke up at the crack of 9. A surprise for me, having finally fallen asleep at 4. I'm feeling good, considering.

I ran out and spent the HST money. A little here, a little there; a little for my bills. I have a couple of nice shirts. I swear, I 1-up myself every time I go to the thrift store.

The absolute first thing I did was buy a crepe for breakfast. Didn't fully enjoy it. It wasn't the taste that bugged me. It was more that I'd dished out $8 for a relatively small breakfast. It kept me going for hours, though, so, maybe it was worth it?

Then, the thrift store. That cost me more than I intended to go for. It would have been $7 less, if I'd ignored the necklace. It didn't fit my pendant, anyway...

Groceries; I got groceries. Not a lot. Not really. I forgot sour cream. I do regret that. Especially with me down to $15, and no pay again until next week.

I went around and said my hellos to mym business men.

Saw Jason; all that got cleared up. Today he's 20. I'll prolly see him on the weekend.

Aaron took me to the computer place. That ended up being a slow deal. The guy had a lot of stuff to type up. I kept sort of handing out the money, saying, "Well, here's $200; what's the tax on that?" It ended up being $200, even. So.. nice. And, very unexpected. And, there was the whole line of "it's a beast". Yeah; I'll agree. It gets slow, and picky, sometimes.

As long as I can do dumbass shit like this journal, I don't care.

I've got shit to do; I'll be seeing you Internet People again; prolly after things get installed.

Before the nonsense, & After the bullshit.


You Missed:

* INTRO, 2


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