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And the alien did decree: "It's about fucking time"
1:01 AM - Saturday, Oct. 02, 2010

Before the nonsense, & After the bullshit.

Ocean - John Butler Trio

I seem to be having a lot of
Self-discovery puzzles solved.

I'm eccentric as fuck; time to roll with it, instead of apologizing all the goddamn time.

- Saw a guitar played in a way that totally made sense to me. Youtube has videos by a guy named John Butler; my sister first showed me Andy McKee, and, personally, today's title song fucking cements this. Fuck August Rush; fucking unrealistic shit compared to something fucking sitar-y like this.

- Haircut = evolving. Didn't have too many ideas up until today. See, it starts with an inverted bob, with the back of my head shaved half-way down.
- This evolves to more length on top. Concept pictures soon to follow. Will link, ASAP.
- I've always had this weird sense of fashion. In high school, I was the awkward dipshit with LONG dyed-black hair. Paisley jacket. Trenchcoats. Bellbottoms, or force-flaired jeans. Blue.. sneakers. Locks as jewelry.
- Fashion and I evolve in strange distances. I evolve once, maybe twice a year.
- Post-high school fashion, for me, looks like: t-shirts with no logos, words, etc; blouses; blouses with ties and jeans; suit-top, jeans-bottom; "suits" (imagine color-coordinating from thrift store selection); t-shirts saying "No", faggy fedora, derby hat, man t-blouses, jeans.
- Fashion explosion, as of Sept 2010: vest, man t-blouse, fun tank tops, jeans, faggy fedora, red-black cowboy boots, started wearing earrings again.

As of Oct 1, 2010, I am launching a personal overhaul of my fashion world.

- Concept hair
- Big colorful buttons, everywhere
- Hand-stitched pockets, everywhere
- Clothing alterations (adding my brontosaurus somewhere; felt-or-something hyper-cartoony censor people)
- More tank tops, with cloth-pens/silkscreening/tie-dye?
- More black vests
- More man t-blouses
- Jeans with carpenter pockets
- Those fun cowboy boots of mine
- Some kind of funky shoes?
- Chunky necklaces/dainty necklaces
- Dainty rings
- Dainty bracelet

And whatever else the fuck I think of, the next time I'm flying like a motherfucker on coffee.

Basically, I think that this is another thing due to therapy. And, Tracey.

Tracey saw the initial step of my haircut (what I'm calling cyberpunk versus inverted bob), and said to Cherish, "Who the fuck is she trying to impress?"

Good question. Answer? The only person I've never bothered to: me.

Yeah. It's about time. I've always envied the whole punk-y thrift store-diva vibe. Fuck it, let's go.

It's about fucking time.

Before the nonsense, & After the bullshit.


You Missed:

* INTRO, 2


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Circa 2010