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And the alien did decree: Blow you away
7:37 AM - Sunday, Aug. 08, 2010

Before the nonsense, & After the bullshit.

Nothing From Something - Offspring

I haven't taken my meds yet.

I think it's a little moot, until noon.

I'm feeling pretty good, considering I've pushed through half a page of translating for the night. Slow progress, hey? I saw a girl on FB claiming to have gotten to a 1-chapter-a-night speed, on the same book.

Between you and I? I think she's a spammer.

I hope. I have this really self-centered want to get this translation done before anyone else. But, then, there's gotta be 50 more people doing the same shit. Right?

I picked a kind of obscure book. It was popular in the 90s. There was a TV show, and a movie. Online, there were 3 translations. As far as I know, the third got the farthest, and stopped ages ago. All stopped by 2008, as far as I remember.

It's 2010, and my only competition was someone I didn't dare check the link for. The link said "Fashion"-something. That is nooooot the way to direct people to a book translation.

I'm a snob, right, wanting to open a blog specifically to create an ebook version of a translation?

I'm really determined, well.. at the moment.

I might be a little less interested, sans-lithium.

I keep telling people to expect me to be kind of fucked up for about a month.

Well. I do see this councellor soon. I keep worrying he'll be like Lynda, or the MH people, applying negative reinforcement on me. Does that work on anyone, seriously?

I just need someone to tap in to logic, and try not to be a douche about it.

I'm scared shitless of working. My doctors keep encouraging that route.


Mom called back. We had an hour-ish conversation about family, and the kitchen.

Before the nonsense, & After the bullshit.


You Missed:

* INTRO, 2


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Circa 2010