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And the alien did decree: "Did you fight for Anni at all?"
2:02 AM - Tuesday, Jul. 20, 2010

Before the nonsense, & After the bullshit.

Forgive Me, Father - Lisa's Substitute

I saw Andrew
(Technically yesterday).

Thought I'd mention that. Again.

While the meds kick in, sit back, and enjoy a little Lambert's-up-too-late ramble.

Lisa kicked out Dusty and Anni; yup, Nolan is almost 2 months old, and homeless. Well. Not homeless; Mom's gunna take the whole family in for a bit. (Where are they gunna sleep? The office? The living room?) I guess that means that I won't be visiting this weekend -- not with that set-up.

This causes me to form the question: why?

Anni's depiction of things basically leaves Lisa as a maniacal control freak.. with an issue with the lawn not getting mowed. It sounds King-esque, in this phrasing. Coming up next, Lisa mows Dusty's head, therefore eliminating the proposed wedding, and Nolan's hopes at having an adulterer as a role model. Gee. What a weird image. Very mixed.

I know; I know.

I didn't approve of the proposal, either. At least I had the sense not to piss on Anni's parade. Jesus. I have more tact than Lisa? Hooray?

But.. kicking them out?

You know.. after jacking the rent?

You know.. to those kids with the unplanned pregnancy, and the job issues? What happened to a charitable act of trying to help unburden them from bills, so they could save money?

This leads to our next question: what did Dad have to say about it?

Apparently.. nothing interesting.

This follows closely with: all reports indicate that Lisa has become an alcoholic; do you just.. find these women, or are they "your type"? You really have a record going: two marriages, both ending in a drunken shitfest. Dad: what the fuck?

Dad: c'mon, buddy -- you gotta save this one.

Don't let her fall apart. You and I need to do this: we need to pick these alchies up, fucking shake them, and fucking hold on to them -- squeezing every drop out until they're ours again. The sibs and I did it with mom.. in various waves. If you want this marriage to bloody well work.. toss out the tequila. Find some activities for you two. Have some heart-to-hearts.

Subject -- kicking the kids out.

Well. I doubt that was your idea. Your continued weak side seems to indicate that you let this happen, if but only to cease her nagging. Did you fight for Anni at all? You know. With the baby, and the struggle, and.. being your goddamn daughter stuff?


I'm suddenly really feeling happy about never trying to live with you guys when I had the initial breakdown. You people prolly would have ditched me somewhere, or locked me in a goddamn staircase closet. Ha?

Before the nonsense, & After the bullshit.


You Missed:

* INTRO, 2


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Circa 2010