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And the alien did decree: "less freaky in public"
11:02 PM - Saturday, Jul. 10, 2010

Before the nonsense, & After the bullshit.

Take the Reins - Tsunami Bomb

I've spent the last few days
Hammering out some Japanese.


Today, I hung out with Jon; that was nice. Too hot, but still. I hope we do that again.

I sat at a bus stop, after he left; two oddball women came and sat/stood with me. The gist of things was Crazy 1's fiancee is a slut, he wants to take their son. Crazy 2 was upset that the fiancee called her bossy and schizophrenic.

"He says that you don't take your meds."

"But.. I do! Every night! What else did he say about me?"

"He said that you're bossy, and a schizophrenic. He said all sorts of mean things about you. I'm just being honest."

"What else did he say?"

(Rinse, repeat.)

I'm just sitting there, thinking, "Is this what I sound like when I get iffy?"

Odder still, I ended up sitting beside the fiancee on the bus. I know that doof! Ugly, toothy booger. I remember him from the psych ward. Silly goof was sitting there, nodding and gesturing away to some pussy rap music. I kept thinking, "Newfoundland? Gee, I hope you DO go back..."

I love myself sometime; the sheer arrogance that I'm any better than Crazy 1-2. Yeah. I'm so much more functional and less freaky in public. Oh yes, with my stripper joke and maniacal cackle.

I am so superior.

Before the nonsense, & After the bullshit.


You Missed:

* INTRO, 2


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Circa 2010