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And the alien did decree: "seeking a godly artist of some assortment to cling to"
8:53 PM - Monday, Jun. 28, 2010

Before the nonsense, & After the bullshit.

Fever - Sarah Vaughan (Adam Freeland remix)

I'm thinking of one song
And hearing Gaga in my head, instead.

Alley-handro; alley-alley handrooooh.


PORK! Dumplings.

So -- today:

I'm still on my aw-fuck bender about Hicks. I was talking to Jay about my encounters with talking to men about underage girls, we had the whole nature versus genetics ramble.

Somewhat still related, I was thinking, over dinner with the Crew, that Hicks prolly isn't gunna be my guru anymore. The magic of his confidence on stage has almost wholly been quashed by the reality that birthed that persona.

Besides, why do I need a dead mentor?

Hicks wouldn't have translated to this time period, simply just because he prolly would have ducked showbiz by this point. I've clearly underestimated the point of, "I've quit soooo many times" in his later stuff. Furthermore, my impression seems to be that the "Last Show" might not actually be, as said, the last.

But, relating to mentors -- I'm not sure why I'm practically crawling on my knees, seeking a godly artist of some assortment to cling to. I'm disappointed easily, so, why..?

Hicks and I clearly had different shit going on.

I feel tired.

Must be all that food.

Dinner went well enough; I'd done a VV trip, so I had a new, Hip 90s Kid outfit.

Apparently my sister finds my.. attention? -- to her kid kind of creepy. I'm mystified, personally. Buying a couple of books, downloading a handful of kids movies.. doesn't sound creepy to me. Taylor was the one telling me that.

We get along so well in person, but nowhere else, Taylor and I.

I did my little evil laugh at the BP, during dinner. We got talking about Brent boogieing to Ke$ha. I thought it was fucking hilarious, so out came that sinister laugh of mine.

People find my quirks creepy. The bliss-face when mentioning pretty women, the laugh, the insistence upon swearing randomly. And, add to it: being a first time aunt. Yeah. Man. I don't get it, either.

Yeah. I'm just me.

Added -- spotted SN-James at the game place. I'm taking it that he's made camp there. I'll be sure not to drop by.

Before the nonsense, & After the bullshit.


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* INTRO, 2


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Circa 2010