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And the alien did decree: "about the incoherency of life in the 90s"
2:52 AM - Monday, Jun. 28, 2010

Before the nonsense, & After the bullshit.

Vertigo - Sarah Slean

I think I failed to mention the book's title.

I bought "Bill Hicks: Agent of Evolution" off of Jay, via ordering from Amazon. The book cost me $40 because it was shipped from England, or, somewhere in the UK. It's a paperback. I've already scuffed it up a little, taking it to Mom's.

In the initial pages, my impression was that this book would be a sort of Bible. I would carry this everywhere, until it fell apart.

I'm 2/3 done, and my impression now is somewhere else. I do know, though, I will be re-reading it, stat.

Well, Hicks, you actually did it: you found an angle of you I don't like.

His relationship stuff was brutal. Downright unlikeable. I parallel a little in my rates as a pathetic date.. but, hell.. his stuff was hard. I can't really put my finger down on what all I dislike about it, the hard-to-kill devotion/obsessive behavior, the little hints of abusiveness, the conflicting accounts of endearing love of womankind, the whorehouse tales. I dunno.

I think I'm just disappointed to see him, at fault, just being a regular man type.

Don't get me wrong, I never harbored ideas of sainthood in relation to his sex life. I think just reading about it, getting in to the background of the Oklahoma and Sane Man girls makes me feel kind of squirmy.

But then, I can relate to some of it. I've written long-ass letters of courtship. I've obsessed over the wrong girl.

I think it's more that it seems dismayingly pathetic to imagine the mind of Goat Boy, down and out.

Added, relationships blur a little in some accounts. Nearing the end, he seemed to have gotten past the 1-long-ass-relationship at a time deal.

I know; nitpicking a dead guy? Not cool.

I'm not sure. This book kills any illusion of Bill being an infallible funny guy. The behind the scenes anecdotes about the taping of Relentless and Revelations have me feeling kind of disappointed. I tend to weave stories in to my heads via albums or videos and their progression/sequence.

The story I had in my head was a little more triumphant. The book makes the two videos sound like accidents that got really fucked up sometimes.

Added, I finally got my answer for why Hicks didn't stick utterly to the UK: preaching to the converted.

I also ended up getting a finely-worded answer for my sum of the Hicks-fascination in me: he wanted people to know that they weren't alone; all of his material is meant to include the audience in to things he figured they all kind of thought about. Kind of like Carlin's stuff, only more about the incoherency of life in the 90s.

Again.. can't help but wonder, what would Hicks do in this time. I thought he'd just kind of explode, spewing album after album of material.

After reading this book.. I doubt it. I think he would have gone nuts.

I think this book really killed the "wow & wonder" deal I had. Any illusions I had have sort of been murdered.

In conclusion: I'm not sure, after reading this book, that meeting him would have went over so swimmingly.

Before the nonsense, & After the bullshit.


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Circa 2010