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And the alien did decree: "unfounded nerves and social stupidity"
12:36 AM - Sunday, May. 23, 2010

Before the nonsense, & After the bullshit.

Requiem - Mozart

I have
A serious void in my life.

It doesn't seem like a "[wo]man in my life" deal.

No. It's more the "purpose" angle. I'm discontent again. I'm not sure if I'll climb out of this one on my own. I despair -- ah, but, what about? I'm bored.. utterly bored. My life is meaningless, and I am a pointless person.

Strangely, I had company tonight; that distracted me, but, now that they've left.. I'm back to feeling dull and heavy. (I was farting my ass off, when they were here, due to some soup...) Even Hicks and Carlin can't spare me my funk. Ah, but was it because I picked Hicks' Last Show? Did that taint the magic?

Let's dwell: dwelling is swell!

I need to find stuff to do. Nothing is working out for me at present. Chores aren't bringing financial benefits, nor going anywhere. Visits to Jay seem to have gotten back in to a swing of unfounded nerves and social stupidity. I haven't written any stories -- just plotted 3. My Japanese has suffered a loss of ground. My drawings have ceased (maybe as a result of being out of the house so much?).

I'm just kind of sitting around, scratching my head.

Arrested Development kind of had a "meh" ending. The cousin thing kind of went nowhere. There were a lot of "wtf, man, why did I just see that scene?" moments. I'm conflicted about the reaction I seem to have never formed: did I like this one, or not? I know I certainly liked the theme song.

I keep thinking that when and if I run out of viable material to watch, maybe I'll have a life again. Is that how it goes?

I'm tired, but I've got the, "fuck, I'm finally active-feeling" thing going on. Bahh.

Well. At least today ought to be a better day. Today, and tomorrow. Today, because I'll be out with Mom. Tomorrow, because we'll go up and see Anni and Little No-No. I'm still addicted to the idea of sitting down, with him in my arms. Yup. That's as maternal as I get: visitation.

Maybe it won't be so bad.

I need to find a printer, so I can get some resumes spread around. 1-day a week job, here I come..!

Before the nonsense, & After the bullshit.


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* INTRO, 2


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Circa 2010