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And the alien did decree: "No new ideas to affix to paper"
3:02 PM - Sunday, May. 09, 2010

Before the nonsense, & After the bullshit.

Monty Got a Raw Deal - REM

I need to find
Some new literary inspiration.

I'm feeling a draw on my writing side.

It's like this -- with the demise of my fixation with Stephen King, I kind of lost my footing with writing. I've neither been driven, or really inspired. With the loss of King as my silent mentor, I've really fallen out with my creative writing. Stories have gotten shorter.

The plots and style improved, but that's about it.

I'm adrift, I really am. I don't really get what it was about King that drew my allegiance. I still like his style.. but his plots are pretty silly sometimes. Granted, I still stick up for the guy as being more original than cookie-cutter plot writers.

It's points like this that I kind of get stuck at. I have no big projects to slave over. No new ideas to affix to paper. I'm in art-mode. But, I still long for the simple draw of pouring my mind out in text -- outside of my personal life.


I tell ya, D-land, I'm feeling agitated.

I can't read at home. I'm not really doing much most days. Today's an example of a day that can be charted in brief points:

- Woke up early; had an epic dream; felt iffy for about an hour
- Watched The Critic and knitted

That -- that is my day, right there.

Today's Sunday, so it's not a potential Jay day. BK prolly wouldn't want to see me. I'm too broke to go under the pretext of buying a book. One more week...

I'm feeling fidgety.

What to do with my day. Hash out a new plot, to spite myself? (Hopefully it would pan out better than the last "random plot" I made up -- rape, devil, bad characters with no development...) Gotta remember, Lambert, ol-genderexception: no more visual-based stories. Your imagination barely runs that way, and, it usually sucks when you let it. Remember "Flesh", and grow from there.

Eegah. Piles of unfinished tripe. This is my legacy...



Before the nonsense, & After the bullshit.


You Missed:

* INTRO, 2


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