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And the alien did decree: "Billy Joel could probably do a doowop about sodomy and still sound cool."
11:04 AM - Saturday, Mar. 27, 2010

Before the nonsense, & After the bullshit.

Sleeping With the Television On - Billy Joel

I'm sitting here,
Ranting about Glass Houses.

"This guy seems like a total horndog on this album."

"Srsly. One song is about phone sex. I kid you not."

"And, that song? It's fucking awesome. Billy Joel could probably do a doowop about sodomy and still sound cool."

Jesus; I fucking love this album.

On to other avenues of discussion:
- I awoke with some FUCKIN' MOTIVATION
- Woke from another missed-climax masturbation dream, moved to write a story to Shi-nae-nae about it
- Am working on my second cup of tea; theory lately is that caffeine is making my sleeps shorter, somehow
-- And, this is good; I sleep 12-16 hrs/day; I dun ned dat sheet
- SuiFri and I had a fair discussion about sexuality last night
- Joe-bo is hitting a depressive low
- Talked to Ror; the dude has a girlfriend now -- fuckin' awesome!
- Talked to Em about Big D; apparently that boy is pissing everyone off

Suifri in more detail: we yammered about sex drives, partners, and all sorts of shit. I came out sounding pretty gross, sort of; having had sex with 3 people in my adult life makes me sound all the more experienced -- considering that 2 were 1-night stands? Makes me sound slutty. We seem to be doing a fuckin' great job of rebuilding a friendship bond. I keep apologizing for not trying harder to keep in touch these last years. He keeps assuring me it's a-okay. I'm workin' on it; we'll make this all work out.

Big D: Em and I were discussing him appearing in our dreams. I've been exploring this a lot in the NAQ Sessions. Oddly enough, "I" has a different approach; he's more sad about things than I am. But then, our timelines criss-cross a lot. He bounces through my past, in to my future, all over fictional paths, and so on. I was telling Em about the jigsaw puzzle dream; that one really sums up the Big D shit for me. Wishful thinking bullshit.

I keep wondering if he'll run in to "I" and get pissed by how I portray our aftermath. It's rather wistful; regretful, even. Sometimes, I make jokes at my expense about the breakup. "I" is sort of like me 6 months ago; it's been a full year now, since Big D and I stopped having an audible connection.

I still regret telling him about FSG; especially so la-di-da. That was rude, coming in to his house and making it sound like a regular event. It wasn't fair to DO that event; we'd only been "friends" for 2 weeks. He was, no doubt, arming another attempt to lure me back.

He wanted marriage and kids.

I was dreaming of something else.

Before the nonsense, & After the bullshit.


You Missed:

* INTRO, 2


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Circa 2010