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And the alien did decree: "alcoholic ex-hockey player"
9:50 PM - Friday, Mar. 26, 2010

Before the nonsense, & After the bullshit.

Blucher - Kamelot

If anyone made a playlist
Out of my mood-songs, it'd be pretty fucking random.

So: the lesson.

My impressions: the teacher must have been having a shitty day. She was a little irritable. I couldn't hit any high notes, but did rather well on the deep ones, second go. I kept having to pause to drink. I was full of apologies for not practicing, and not being able to come back. She figured it was a minor setback. Practice, and thou shalt be free.


Dad spotted me on the way home. We were going to meet for coffee. I guess he was making a second pass at the music store. It was all closed upstairs, lessons were finishing downstairs. I decided to walk, instead of waiting for the bus. Good thing...

We went to a Timmy's [Tim Horton's; it's a coffee/doughnut establishment created by an alcoholic ex-hockey player]. Dad got us all doughnuts. Boston Creme. Yay. I had an Ice Cap. Mint-flavored. Anni forgot her bag. We went to a grocery store (where Dad paid for my $2/worth of postcards), before heading back to the Timmy's to collect the bag.

I must be doing better.

I didn't say a damn thing wrong this time. Fuckin' A.

Before the nonsense, & After the bullshit.


You Missed:

* INTRO, 2


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Yet another other entry - Sunday, Dec. 29, 2019
Damn near died - Sunday, Dec. 29, 2019
Boom Shalacka Lacka? - Saturday, Dec. 28, 2019

Circa 2010