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And the alien did decree: "going in to spasms"
11:59 AM - Wednesday, Mar. 24, 2010

Before the nonsense, & After the bullshit.

Karma Police - Radiohead

I'm circling around
Like a motherfucker.

Curiously, I can actually lay claim to fucking a mother. Not mine, of course.

I'm in a random mood.

I really ought to be doing stuff with my day. But, really, I've only spent 40 minutes tooling around on the internet. It feels like I've been sitting here my whole life.

What comes to mind at this time:
- I may hold off on the sex change idea
-- Because it seems drastic
-- But I'll still be getting rid of my tits (I just look better without 'em)
- Gee, I feel ill; I think the infection hit my lungs, if not elsewhere, too
- I want to watch Shrek 1, and I don't fuckin' know why
- Had a random no-where dream again, last night; kept waking up a lot
- Must be something wrong, if I'm sleeping poorly (could it be the anti-depressant?)

I know -- the first ones will irk a few people.

My issue with the whole notion of sex changing is that there's a good chance that my motives just blow.

I love how all the sites say that not all transmen are ex-lesbians. Well, guess what? I think some still are. The way they emphasize it suggests defensiveness. What's to defend? You are who, and what, you are -- either that, or you become yourself some way.

Again: can I handle that kind of thing?

I scared Linds off, with this subject; granted, I was freaking out like I was going in to spasms. Can I handle losing more people? I have so few people in my life I can really rely on.

It comes back to: I can't tell Mom.

That's mostly because I don't want to whip this out, half-cocked. I have to be SURE. Not like being a teenager; she won't let it die, if I say, "Mom, I want to be your.. son." And then promptly turn about and go on my merry fuckin' way.

I'm supposed to look for green templates for Anni. I guess I'd better get on that.

Before the nonsense, & After the bullshit.


You Missed:

* INTRO, 2


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