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And the alien did decree: Anime, and a wig
3:24 AM - Saturday, Oct. 22, 2011

Before the nonsense, & After the bullshit.

Oceanographer's Choice - The Mountain Goats

I spent all of Thursday

Probably because I went to sleep at 10 AM.

When I wasn't asleep Thursday, I was watching Armitage III. Apparently, I'm back in to anime. Followed that with MEMORIES, and a whole lot of downloads.

Turns out half the stuff I downloaded between 2008-2009 has more episodes/movies to collect. That's nice.

Armitage would have been better, if not for Keifer Sutherland finding himself in a lead role. I couldn't find Poly Matrix without him, so.

I had some suggestions, over FB for more things. I remembered via someone on youtube that Jason's random anime was called Geno Cyber. Boy, did that one suck. Someone said there that there wasn't a lot of scifi anime. I guess they didn't look hard enough; anime is flooded with scifi.

It sounds like Foo Fighters is a go, on the 25th. I'd had some worries that Occupy would nix the concert, but no one's said shit about it interfering.

I just gotta buy the bus tickets now.

Before the nonsense, & After the bullshit.


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