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And the alien did decree: Why the fuck am I so weak?
3:13 AM - Saturday, Jun. 11, 2011

Before the nonsense, & After the bullshit.

Well, you think of something appropriate.

Prepare yourself:
I'm gunna cry a black tear, just before I puke.

What a fucking night. What a day.

I take everything personally; everything. It's happening; right now. I thought I pissed off Leonard. He said no. I thought I scared away Dylan.

Dylan's back; now he's Danielle. Surprisingly, we hit it off all over again, like nothing retarded went down. She's all cool about my random lameo emails. She gets that I was fucked over, and it's all okay.

The real whammy was Cherish messaging me up, around 2 AM, asking for me to leave her alone for a month. I've spent the last hour or so feeling like the world's shittiest friend. A big loser. She's been saying for weeks that I've been a heinous asshole to her. I rarely remember the incidents. I rarely agree with the intents of the ones I DO remember.

I'm all fucked over because I know this isn't going to bode well for me. I'm pretty sure she can handle a month away from me. Maybe longer. Me? I rely on her like crazy. She's the last one I was really hanging on to that way.

I mean.. maybe some of you would feel similarly. Cherish is the #1 person I talk to. Daily. For hours. At this point, she's heard just about every little thing about me. I've been dreading this distance I feel from her lately. A month without her?

I feel like such a fucking wimp. I've put her in this weird position of being my go-to person for problems or what have you. I don't feel complete with a day if I haven't phoned, or something.

This possibly sounds obsessive.

I'm just retarded. I don't have anyone else in my life with that degree of understanding, acceptance, or closeness. Shivanee rarely talks to me. Karri doesn't say shit to me. My mother is afraid to tell me a single thing about her.

Basically? Family doesn't know me. My friends barely know me. My social pool barely likes having me around.

I've fucked up good this time, boy.

Before the nonsense, & After the bullshit.


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* INTRO, 2


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