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And the alien did decree: This album is so this site's anthem
3:29 AM - Sunday, Mar. 27, 2011

Before the nonsense, & After the bullshit.

Tallahassee - The Mountain Goats (album/2003)

It's good to see that you're all here.

Still angsting; always fun to come around, see who's back. Good to see that we're all still fuckups, still on the same page.

I'm feeling all-over moody; made a page of wishes. It started as what I'd do if I had money -- timid, realistic things at first. It broadened. Branched to what I want in life.

I wish I wasn't so challenged with writing my thoughts down now; it comes out as verbal diarrhea -- it always puts people to sleep, too.

I guess I'll start with updates; do I even have readers to disappoint, really?

Sure, why not.

- Job search is still going nowhere; mostly my own fault. The funny thing is, the lady trying to get me a job keeps underselling me, making me sound like a retarded Quasimodo with a criminal bend. Or, at least, that's the way it feels.
- I guess that all of my years angsting have come to a head; I'm thinking I'm gunna be a transman, by this time next year. Jesus. How do you prep your parents for that gem, after the shit that's gone down?
- I'm still the Steve Buschemi of lesbians. The men still totally dig it.
- I'm officially too retarded with money to survive poverty.
- All of my underwear looks like bodily fluid battlefields. I'm too broke to replace them, this month.
- I went on a bender, and did all my shopping in a week. This month looks worse than the last: $48 to last 5 weeks. Way to go.
- I'm still linguistically retarded, now with more people to talk to, in my garbled French/Japanese.
- I keep angsting at college people. Can you smell the jealousy?
- Jay and I are officially emos.
- I wrote most of a new ebook. I'm ashamed of the lack of bite in the material.
- Joined Twitter, Tumblr, and Fictionpress. I had nothing better to do.
- I'm running out of things to feel glad about.
- I fear having showers, because I have them late at night, and my neighbor will eventually get on my ass about it. On the bright side, I'm not noticing the regrowth armpit/leg hair as being irksome, for once.
- I made a homepage. I'm so pimp.
- I think I've worshipped Dylan for the last time.

I'm amazed that nothing is happening in my life these days. There's so much going on in my head, all the time.

Before the nonsense, & After the bullshit.


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* INTRO, 2


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