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And the alien did decree: We've watched Mask: dude, the kid dies a virgin?
8:24 AM - Monday, Jan. 03, 2011

Before the nonsense, & After the bullshit.

Turn to Stone - ELO

I think I forgot to mention
That Cherish got her laptop, from her mom, for Christmas.

Moving on.

Not too much new going on; I tried to track down an old teacher, from elementary school. At this point, I might have to address something to her on my blogspot account, because my titles get picked up by google.

We'll see if she spots it.

For the last week, or so, Cherish has been coming by to use the wireless connection next door. We've downloaded all kinds of random crap. It varies between religious documentaries, to porn, to Stephen Hawking. A couple of Johnny Depp movies later. We're still working on the same themes.

I emailed Taylor, trying to talk to her about James, and so on. I wrote her a letter, last night, when I was waiting for Cherish to wake up/phone me. It ended up being too whiney, so I emailed something different, when Cherish came over, later.

I wrote Shivanee a letter. And, the missing teacher. The missing teacher is proving to be kind of ellusive to track down. But, then, what should I expect, with her school being closed, and I being graduated half a decade?

I checked my emails, rah rah rah. I'm fishing for more penpals.

News on the homefront: Sarah will be coming by, ASAP to lend me $200 for a tower. I will be heading to the computer shop, pronto, from there, to get something. Here's to hoping I get a job, stat, too.

I did apply at Denny's, so, we'll see.

I see the councellor, and the job program this week.

Before the nonsense, & After the bullshit.


You Missed:

* INTRO, 2


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Circa 2010