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And the alien did decree: "I'm King James, bitch!"
3:20 AM - Sunday, Aug. 22, 2010

Before the nonsense, & After the bullshit.

Ball of Kerrymore - Jim Croce

I'm back.

Not officially; for the morning.

Mike's doing a little /b/-inspired sleep pattern. I'm downstairs, while he takes one of his recommended powernaps.

I'm vaguely jealous of this sleep pattern. It would fail with me because I suck at entertaining myself, and I am batshit crazy. Sleep dep + insanity equals hell.

I want to be awake more than I am.

Is that why I decided not to sleep tonight?

I shouldn't do that. My sleep pattern is in shambles, as is. I want to be awake in the morning to take Nolan; will I be 'with it' enough to deal with an infant?


I wanted to extend a greeting towards my fellow d-landers, reopening dead journals. I'm going through mine, and salvaging what I can. I keep finding obscure accounts I barely used. Like 'fortheweak', a short-lived rip-off of someone else's quirky idea. ("Fuck ___.") Mine was basically, "___ is for the weak."

Deah lawd, the awful HTML on that!!

Salvage, ho!

In other news:

- I'm in the process of talking to James. I seem to have this weird parasitic deal of decending upon aquaintances, and rambling at them at their worst moments
- I cleaned my mom's house a little. No one was around me, and I took out my boredom by playing a little physical Tetris
- I'm keeping a log book of Cherish and my symptoms/weight changes; Cherish's booklet will likely also include photos, and interviews
- I have a sudden want to play puzzle games.. mysteries, and so on
- Mom's laptop is giving me mandates; install an antivirus, restart, bitch

Mom's gunna decapitate me, Mike says, for adding an antivirus. Would she be any less mad if I fetched her a trojan?

I never win with this stuff.

" Zygote Impersonator says:
I'mma bee.

-==- says:

" Zygote Impersonator says:
Because I get retarded with the Black Eyed Peas.

-==- says:
i see

" Zygote Impersonator says:
I love how that all rhymed.
Ahaha.. easily amused.

-==- says:
ar eyou drunk


" Zygote Impersonator says:
You know what would make you awesome?

-==- says:
getitng laid?
by 9 ladies at once?

" Zygote Impersonator says:
Only if you wore a cape the whole time, and demanded to be called King James.
Then shout out bible passages in mid cum.
I'm King James, bitch!

Before the nonsense, & After the bullshit.


You Missed:

* INTRO, 2


Domicile : Infested - Wednesday, Jan. 08, 2020
Badly type text - Wednesday, Jan. 01, 2020
Yet another other entry - Sunday, Dec. 29, 2019
Damn near died - Sunday, Dec. 29, 2019
Boom Shalacka Lacka? - Saturday, Dec. 28, 2019

Circa 2010