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And the alien did decree: "undergoing a bedbug infestation"
11:12 PM - Wednesday, May. 12, 2010

Before the nonsense, & After the bullshit.

City Girl - Tegan & Sara

Fucking hell,
I'm not liking things right now.

Things continue to be mis-balanced in my head. Socially, I seem more accepted. Granted, I'm rambling about my insanity to strangers again.. but, for some reason, they all seem rather amused. I'm getting a little mopey again.

Today will probably seem rather shitty, at the end of this entry. "Unimportant" might really be the word I'm groping for.

- Woke up at 1 PM
- Left Mom's; didn't do her dishes
- Watched a 1-footed kid ride a bike around
- Hopped a bus
- Didn't stay at home long; ran off to see Jay
--- Jay ordered another book without my express go-ahead. I'd better learn to stop getting him to look prices up for me. One part of me is insulted, panicked.. the other part sees this as Jay's survival tactics. Business first, friendly customers be cautious. Still, the guy lends me stuff. He goes out of his way to treat me nicely. He doesn't bullshit me. Still.. this book ordering thing makes me wonder if I'm seeming to confirm the purchase via enthusiasm for the product at hand. I'll know that things have gone overboard when he starts ordering stuff without actually telling me
- Came home to a message from Sarah
- Did laundry with her
- Have her laundry here, until some untold time tomorrow
- Our building is undergoing a bedbug infestation, so, there's a chance Sarah's laundry will infest my place; we have the stuff in the tub, because supposedly bedbugs can't climb porcelain
- Sat around watching Arrested Development; haven't formed an opinion about it yet

Goddamn, I'm bored.

I haven't been phoning anyone lately. Mostly because I've been at Mom's on/off all week. Anni's due date was the 10th; we haven't touched the crib all week. Is she too tired? Do I need to take initiative?

Shit's not working out. My life is going stale, my mind feels frayed. Nothing should be going wrong -- on the surface, nothing appears wrong. And yet.. I don't feel "well".

At least I see the doctor on Monday, hoo-fucking-rah. I want my fucking enthusiasm back.

It's always something!!

Before the nonsense, & After the bullshit.


You Missed:

* INTRO, 2


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Circa 2010