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And the alien did decree: "Fucker of the Russian queen"
11:25 PM - Monday, May. 03, 2010

Before the nonsense, & After the bullshit.

Hold On, Hold On - Neko Case


April 30
- Went to Grandpa's birthday, in a suit

May 1
- Didn't go to Mom's
- Went to see Jay; he wasn't busy, regardless of the festival outside. Bought 10 CDs that a regular brought in. Jay and I both wanted the Leonard Cohen/Tegan & Sara stuff; I ended up with a greatest hits-Cohen, and the T&S
- Brought home lots of random stuff in those CDs, including Sarah Slean; I dated someone who liked that stuff, so, it reminds me of her

May 2
- Went to Grandma's with Mom
- We worked on the crib, I sanded
- I barely did anything, mostly because I kept going for coffee breaks
- Felt weary, tired, and sick-y

May 3
- Talked to Cherish all day, growing less talkative as it went on
- Tried to give myself sideburns; fucked up royally (must.. get.. electric razor...)
- Doodled a lot
- She came over
- I moved all my wall pictures around; dissatisfied with the outcome
- May have found a kanji study-buddy

I'm feeling a little annoyed at this ep of Babylon 5 I'm at. (5-19.) It's kind of rah-rah-anti-alcohol; normally, this can play out well, especially with a more or less established drinking problem. This one fails, due to mixed dialogue and guilt tripping. No, Garibaldi -- drinking is baaaaad. We're not gunna help you; we're gunna whine at you.

Today's been a real blah day.

I want something cool to happen.

I'm wide awake. Should I buckle down and take the sleeping pill?

Cherish is peeving me a little. Ever since we had that audio chat with Lev, she's been hyperfocused on getting a mic; I literally hear about it all day, every day. The latest thing, of the night, is Yahoo. Get Yahoo, plz? Would you use the chats? Plz?

" Zygote Impersonator says (11:36 PM):
We have Skype and MSN. I don't need 6 messengers to talk to 1 person.

"'-♥Cherish♥ says (11:36 PM):
this is true

Rah-rah, Raspu-teen. Fucker of the Russian queen. Dah-dah, eegah.

Even this entry, depicting my boredom, is more boring than sitting in silence.

Back to that awful ep.

Before the nonsense, & After the bullshit.


You Missed:

* INTRO, 2


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Circa 2010