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And the alien did decree: "developing late?"
5:11 PM - Tuesday, Apr. 06, 2010

Before the nonsense, & After the bullshit.

Keeping the Blade - Coheed & Cambria

I want
An instrumental funeral.

Jesus Christ; as if to spite me, my fucking tits grew again. I wore the least padded bra (outside of the suffocating sports bra), and, va-voom: tits. Somehow, I now have tits appropriate for my stature.

I'm back to working out periodically. Maybe that will suppress them a little.

I had a haircut lately. Did I get to tell this story? I pointed at a poster of a man, and told my least favorite hairdresser that that's the cut I wanted. So, I'm feeling pretty sissy-butch. It doesn't fall quite right, but I know it will in another week or so. I'm thinking of letting it grow back out a couple of centimeters, to get that 90s comedian style again. That felt pretty good.

On the front of the anti-depressant:
- Didn't take it last night, so I feel pretty conscious for once
- Didn't "sleep" because of a possible dependence to it.. or all the coffee I had.. take your pick
- It gets better as the days progress. I imagine that within a month I'll be back to functioning -- hoboy
- Been feeling mood-muddled
- Been rambling a little, more calmly than that of usual

On the front of my social life:
- Been pretty quiet as of late
- Only really seeing Sarah and Cherish
- Phoning my female relatives a lot
- Seem to only have IRL female contacts
- My male contacts are all online or gay
- Am nervous about going back to Group because the councellor is pissed at me; being high at the Trans thing led me to ask stupid questions periodically
- (As told to Daath) I am sitting on the fence about the male shift; I think that I'll continue to dress progressively more male, attempt to rid myself of my boobs, and see if this makes me feel better (as time has progressively led me to feel anyway)

Jesus. Is it ironic, or something to that effect, that suddenly I want to rid myself of the boobs I felt so out of place for developing late?

Before the nonsense, & After the bullshit.


You Missed:

* INTRO, 2


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Circa 2010