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And the alien did decree: "Bad Guy Boyfriends"
8:07 PM - Sunday, Mar. 28, 2010

Before the nonsense, & After the bullshit.

Stuck in the Metal With You - Eagles of Death Metal

I'm back to craving
A real conversation.

It creeped up on me today; between SuiFri being less and less talkative (bad sign?), and the Dictator incident, I'm feeling a little low.

Not every conversation can be great; not every person is literate and exciting.

I'm back to rambling in company's presence, filling the silence.

Maybe the anti-depressant isn't helping?

I had a little family discussion between the sibs and I about Mom and Caesar; they're potentially on the way to ending things. Mik was at home, caught in the middle of the bickering.

Have I mentioned yet that Mom sounded weird, last phone call? This seems to be the reason for it.

I can't decide if this would be a good happening, or not. Mostly, it prolly would be good. Mom; Mom and her Bad Guy Boyfriends. It's a sad thing to watch. I have the same issue; if someone's abusive, they're my kind of mate.

Somehow, this topic seems to heavy for this moment, hyper music or not.

Before the nonsense, & After the bullshit.


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* INTRO, 2


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Circa 2010