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And the alien did decree: "amalgamation of ridiculous fiction"
3:41 AM - Monday, Mar. 08, 2010

Before the nonsense, & After the bullshit.

This coffee was potent.

Michael's supposed to phone at 10 AM; will I trip-balls all day, because I'll probably start feeling sleep-dep effects?

I'm reading over old entries of people I missed, and the set of new journals I've decided to lurk through. I'm always impressed by the sheer minimalism of some people. DO had 10+ "mysterious minimalists". I seem to have a fondness for people who can vent their personal woes in 3-or-less sentences. It's so unlike me; I've practically spewed out a memoir, so far.

That's my curse in real life: talking too much. I have far toooo much to say about every little thing that gets trapped in my head.

It doesn't help me now that I'm relying almost entirely on caffeine to keep me rollin'. I'm agitated enough around people. The problem started as a depressive lull, and has turned in to a shitfest of coffee-highs and crashes.


Maybe I am depressive.

Self medicating = never my solution.

Gotta sleep.

Jesus-fucking-christ. This is right out of my NAQ sessions. I plotted Chewie's premise (Tenant), now I'm plotting a future breakdown. Will my fucking stuffies start yapping at me, demanding things? Is that what this will come down to? Am I really just an amalgamation of ridiculous fiction? A self-fulfilling fluffer?


What the fuck!?

I gotta cut down on the coffee. I bought espresso, this time; will one cup suffice.. for a whole day?? I only had 4-5 cups of Folgers, the regular strength; I didn't shake much. I'm just REALLY FUCKING AWAKE.

Damn Mental Health helpline, being diverted to an answering machine; where's the doof on the other end, telling me to "Chill, take a melatonin pill"? Where's the poor sap who's supposed to bore me to sleep with their even-level voice?

I feel deprived. Mental Health never sleeps -- unless you work there.

Before the nonsense, & After the bullshit.


You Missed:

* INTRO, 2


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Circa 2010