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And the alien did decree: "Preferring shaved vaginas"
1:37 AM - Monday, Mar. 08, 2010

Before the nonsense, & After the bullshit.

Speechless - Lady Gaga

I am so back.

I'm still flying on coffee, apparently. Go, me! 4-5 cups IN THE MORNING are still in my system. What is this, nigh 2 AM?

I went online, after hanging out with Linds, hoping to see Michael on; I don't know why. I find him a little bit off-putting, like Aunt C. He's a sucker for advice-giving. I feel like a psychology project, an experiment. An introduction to therapy-for-profit.

Yesterday concluded thusly:
- Talked to Sarah on the phone
- She wanted to stay in
- Phoned Linds again
- Went to her place
- Watched the first half of Krull
- Ranted in the presence of Adam again
- He was too stoned to hear my bullshit about preferring shaved vaginas
- Linds walked me home
- We had a interesting conversation about high school romantic suitors
- Yammered about "Dexter"; we both seem to have a similar love for the character's original state
- Linds gave me a camping hanger for my laundry
- Eucalyptus in the rinse seems to have helped the footy-dead-things smell
- May do all my laundry by hand! Fuck paying!

Maybe I AM tired enough to sleep...

Before the nonsense, & After the bullshit.


You Missed:

* INTRO, 2


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Yet another other entry - Sunday, Dec. 29, 2019
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Circa 2010